Action Needed: Community Awareness on Water Privatization in Manalapan  

Action Needed: Community Awareness on Water Privatization in Manalapan   

We urge all community members in Manalapan to engage with an important ballot measure that could significantly impact the water system. The future of this water supply is at stake, and your voice is crucial.

In Manalapan, there has been painted a false choice:

1) Voting to privatize part of its water system permanently, not just on a contractual basis, or

2) costs being raised significantly for all residents.

Alternatively, voting against the measure, forcing a restart offers the opportunity to begin again, looking to other, more creative alternatives. Review our recap from the initial community meeting here, where our Public Policy & Justice Organizer raised the idea of partnering with local public systems, resulting in a positive response from the Township Committee and residents in attendance.

If Manalapan residents vote to privatize, they will lose the ability to control their water system indefinitely. A majority NO vote would offer the chance to explore partnerships with nearby public water providers rather than hand our resources over to a corporation known for overcharging and inadequate service.

Inspiring Voices: A Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission Board Meeting Recap

Inspiring Voices: A Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission Board Meeting Recap

On September 19th, during the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC) Board Meeting, the agenda did not include a vote on the approval of a fourth methane gas and hydrogen plant in Newark, a city already facing severe, cumulative environmental challenges. The urgency of community involvement remains paramount. This proposed plant not only threatens local air and water quality but also exacerbates existing health issues for residents in an already overburdened community.

Still only two PVSC Commissioners publicly opposed the project, highlighting the need for greater accountability.

Amplifying Voices: The Power of Poor and Low-Income Voters

Amplifying Voices: The Power of Poor and Low-Income Voters

In recent weeks, media coverage has highlighted the significant swing vote of poor and low-income voters, underscoring their crucial role in shaping our democracy. This spotlight is not just a statistic; it reflects the diligent efforts of grassroots movements, including the NJ Poor People’s Campaign, which has been advocating for those whose voices have often been marginalized. In Forbes, “Swing Voters Whose Voices We Need to Hear” was published this week.

Unity In Purpose: A Faith Based Call for a Green Amendment

Unity In Purpose: A Faith Based Call for a Green Amendment

During an inspiring panel discussion held on September 17th, 2024 (Constitution Day!), representatives from diverse faith traditions came together to explore the urgent need for a Green Amendment in New Jersey. This conversation emphasized the moral imperative to protect sacred Earth, drawing on teachings and principles from Islam, Indigenous wisdom, Methodism, and Unitarian Universalism. Their commentary solidified the moral responsibility people of all faiths have to ensure clean air, clean water, a stable climate and healthy environment for future generations.