Why Community Involvement Matters: A Crucial Moment for Newark

Why Community Involvement Matters: A Crucial Moment for Newark

As we approach the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission’s board meeting on September 19th at noon, the urgency of community involvement, education, and civic action has never been more clear. The agenda for this meeting could include a critical vote on the approval of the 4th dirty methane gas and hydrogen plant in Newark -a major city already overburdened by environmental challenges. We at Waterspirit are working closely with residents overburdened by climate injustice. We are urging people to send this spiritually inspired letter to board members, local officials, and Governor Murphy’s office to express your concerns and advocate for alternative solutions.

Guarding Our Common Good: Why Privatizing Water Isn't the Answer

Guarding Our Common Good: Why Privatizing Water Isn't the Answer

Knowledge is power-understanding how our water is sourced, treated and delivered not only empowers us but also helps us protect this essential, sacred resource from mismanagement and privatization. Once water is privatized, there is no more local control of the water by the municipality. From documented experiences of rate hikes and poor service, water privatization should be an absolute last resort. Water privatization is on the ballot in several New Jersey municipalities this coming general election on November 5, 2024 and we are sharing a brief update on a couple.

Summer Adventures at the Plainsboro Preserve

Summer Adventures at the Plainsboro Preserve

Waterspirit enjoyed a summer filled with adventures at the Plainsboro Preserve. Over three weeks, we guided 48 kids and 11 young volunteer counselors in outdoor programs. Highlights included exploring the field for insects, searching the stream for aquatic life, finding tadpoles in the puddles, tie-dying t-shirts, and bubble parties on Friday/Funday. We hope you found time to deepen your connection to nature this summer too. Check out the sections below to see photos from each of the Summer Adventure weeks