Activating Our Faith & Hope

Earth is at a turning point, and water is critically threatened across the globe. We need to turn our faith into action in order to create the future we wish to see. Taking the actions below—whether sending an email, signing a petition, placing a phone call, or showing up in person—are ways of practicing active hope.

Waterspirit’s advocacy campaigns are guided by principles of integral ecology and environmental justice. Learn more about each of our major campaigns by clicking on the section headings below. Return to this page often for updated calls to action. To get trained as a Waterspirit Ambassador to support this advocacy, check out our digital course that may be completed on your own time.

May our collective future be bright!

Join Us in Taking The following Actions

updated 3/25/25

Environmental Justice & Clean Water

Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure

  • Email us to book Waterspirit for a green infrastructure presentation today! We are proud to work with many in this space, namely Rutgers University Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program, to help municipalities prepare MS4 permit requirements. Share this 2022 environmental justice and stormwater management webinar series with your municipality.

Renewable Energy & Climate Crisis

thank you for taking action

  • Thank you for sending this letter to NJDEP to urge Gov. Murphy and NJDEP Commissioner to deny permit approval for what could be a 4th dirty gas plant in overburdened Newark.

  • Thank you for sending a letter to Senator Smith, urging him to strengthen and advance S3195, the “Skip the Stuff” Bill! We will keep you updates on this and other related NJ bills!

If you wish to learn more about how to get involved with Waterspirit’s current advocacy campaigns, sign up for our weekly mailers by filling out the “Get Involved” form below!

“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.”
— Joanna R. Macy