National Water Data Prize Winners! 🏆💧

On World Water Day, it was announced that some of our work has been recognized in the equity category. Rachel Dawn Davis is listed in recognition as an actively engaged member of the Jersey Water Works Water Equity Map subcommittee-one of the many in which she is engaged. See the award mention here!

We know, scientifically, to expect sea level rise and increased extreme weather to cause water damage to New Jersey and the northeast region. Those who are the most vulnerable will experience layered problems and have the most to benefit from today’s future planning. A whole picture is required: a map with options for residents and policy makers alike to play with scenarios, to forecast. Waterspirit is proud to be highlighting areas of most urgent concern in New Jersey and deploying solutions and programs to prevent water related problems where possible, while educating people about ongoing water issues and those to come.

New Jersey's Latest Green Amendment Action Alert 🎬

Thank you to those who have joined in NJ Green Amendment Phone Banking ! Keep it up and please share the opportunity to make these calls with your networks. If you and/or people you know and love reside in Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, and Union Counties, please reach out to them as their legislators are the likeliest to co-sponsor by this Thursday.

Call/leave a message for the 2 legislators with direct powers to grant a hearing: 

Phone Script: Good Afternoon _____, my name is ____ and I live in (your town/city). I strongly support ACR72/SCR15 (the NJ Green Amendment) and urge you to do all you can to help it get on the ballot this year, including but not limited to: 1) join the bi-partisan cadre of 58 members and co-sponsor it; and 2) let the bill be heard this spring -- it's been 4 years, it's time the bill has a chance to be heard! Thank you and please keep me posted as to what you're doing to give me the right to clean water and air.

Call/leave a message for your 3 legislators: or here: 

Phone Script:  Good Afternoon _____, my name is ____ and I’m a constituent from (your town/city). I strongly support ACR72/SCR15 (the NJ Green Amendment) and urge you to do all you can to help it get on the ballot this year, including but not limited to: 1) join the bi-partisan cadre of 58 members and co-sponsor it (thank them if they are already,; and 2) encourage leadership to let the bill be heard this spring -- it's been 4 years, it's time the bill has a chance to be heard! Thank you and please keep me posted as to what you're doing to give me the right to clean water and air.

Legislators who have already cosponsored: Thank you for cosponsoring ACR72/SCR15 and for all of your efforts thus far! Please continue pushing the Green Amendment forward to be granted a hearing as soon as possible and please keep me updated on your efforts! 

Tweet encouraging these legislators to, / thank them as a, co-sponsor, support hearings and otherwise do they can to advance the conversation

Email these legislators in one easy step here

Please let us know if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, Rachel Dawn Davis.

🌱Take Action NOW for a Green Amendment Hearing Before it’s Too Late! 🌱

Enough’s Enough -- 4 Yrs. & 70 NJ Legislative Cosponsors!


Once Again – the New Jersey Green Amendment (ACR72/SCR15) has been delayed, not even one hearing this legislative session despite a four-year struggle and strong support from 70 legislative cosponsors. It’s still not too late beginning with a Senate hearing in March. 

Your right to clean air and water matters; you deserve to be heard. Tweet, email & call legislators to get hearings this Spring in time to get your rights on the ballot this year!  

6 Chances For Action This Week (Do as much as works for you but do something :-) )

  • Phone Bank Zoom with us -- we will provide a script and call legislators in support of the Green Amendment. Register here for Friday, 3/18, at 3:30PM and register here for Monday, 3/21, at 7PM.

  • Tweet about the NJ Green Amendment and urge legislators to do all they can to get ACR72/SCR15 a hearing this Spring. The Tool Kit has sample tweets to key legislators.

  • Email key legislators with this automatic sender link to push the same message.

  • Call key legislators on your own time -- any time of day but before March 23 will do:

    1. Find your 3 legislators’ numbers here (leave a voicemail off hours or a message with staff during business hours) and urge them to sponsor, and otherwise work to ensure, your right to clean water & air (ACR72/SCR15) has a hearing this Spring!

    2. Make your efforts more impactful, call the 2 legislators with direct powers to grant a hearing: Assembly Speaker Coughlin & Senate President Scutari; and

    3. Call legislative champions who have powerful influence if they speak up: Assembly members: McKeon, Benson, Kennedy & Stanley; and Senators: Greenstein, Zwicker, Ruiz & Cunningham. And thank Senator Smith for taking the steps to secure a hearing!

  • Sign on your organization as a supporter of the NJ Green Amendment here!

  • Get others to do the same, organize!

Again, please take action today to get your right to clean air and water a hearing this Spring and get others to do the same. Contact for any questions and/or to get more involved in the campaign.