CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit, including invitations to upcoming events and advocacy action items!
Marching Into Spring
CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit, including photos from our beach cleanup in Keyport!
TODAY is the Last Call to Protect the Delaware River Basin Watershed!
Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, Rachel Dawn Davis wrote a letter to the editor to amplify the need for comments to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) by TODAY. Please read here and remember to submit your comments by 5PM ET today, February 28, 2022!
Let's Take Action Together!
CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit, including a great opportunity to protect the Delaware River Basin from fracked gas waste!
Facing Our Climate Feelings Together
Our Executive Director, Blair Nelsen, recently shared an article about how spiritual communities can address heavy climate feelings like climate grief and eco-anxiety. Read her article in Earth and Altar magazine HERE.
Weekly Updates from Waterspirit
CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit, including a link to our special winter newsletter, an invitation to volunteer orientation this Saturday, calls to action for environmental justice, and more!
Our Winter 2022 Newsletter is Here!
CLICK HERE to read our latest newsletter.
Inside you’ll find:
Insights about stormwater and storytelling;
Eco-spiritual reflections on the winter season;
Fun facts about the environment;
Recent photos and upcoming events;
And more!
Tomorrow: Our Eco-Anxiety Support Group Begins
CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit. Learn more about our eco-anxiety support groups, opportunities to volunteer, and other eco-spiritual programming.
Ready To Roll Up Your Sleeves?
CLICK HERE to read this week’s updates from Waterspirit.
You’ll see THREE different volunteer opportunities, as well as our job posting for a grant writer and info about upcoming programs.
Hope, Support and Action
Read this week’s updates from Waterspirit HERE.
In this week’s mailer, you’ll find ways to take action against pollution in the Ironbound, for horseshoe crabs, and for voting rights. You’ll read our special message repudiating religious intolerance in all its forms. You’ll learn more about this week’s upcoming programs and opportunities to learn more about eco-anxiety, holding polluters accountable, and more!