💦Join Waterspirit for Watershed Wednesdays 💦

Waterspirit has been involved with the Victory Over Infrackstructure Clean Energy InStead (VOICES) coalition for a decade working to safeguard waterways, including the Delaware River Basin, from unconventional hydraulic fracturing and related wastewater. The Delaware River Frack Ban coalition is spearheading the effort to orchestrate comments into the Delaware River Basin Commission, focusing on a key theme each week. We hope you’ll join us in commenting every Wednesday until the comment period ends on February 28th, 2022.

The most up to date comment suggestions may be found via https://bit.ly/WatershedWednesdayDRBC

Storytelling empowers action. You may recall the recent testimony Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, Rachel Dawn Davis, delivered in an effort to continue protection of this unique fresh water resource. If you have any questions or want to get more involved in protecting these sacred waters, please send us a note: water@waterspirit.org 💦

🕊️Hope and Possibility 🕊️

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week includes New Years wishes, a link to the recording of our Winter Solstice celebration featuring special guest musician, Paul Winter; Sign up to join us for the next Book Club; Meditation for Earth moving virtually until further notice; Rachel Dawn’s recap of her testimony to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC); what people are saying about Waterspirit and an invitation to join the backbone of our organization - our Volunteer team ❄

❄️️Blessed Solstice!❄️️

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week includes a link to REGISTER to celebrate the winter solstice TONIGHT (with special guest musician, Paul Winter!); Sign up to join us for the next Book Club; Meditation for Earth moving virtually next week; Rachel Dawn’s recap of her panelist experience with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC); the latest Green Amendment podcast hosted by NJ Student Sustainability Coalition, featuring NJ’s Green Amendment primary sponsor, Assemblyman McKeon, and last but not least, an invitation to the backbone of our organization - our Volunteers- including a thank you for those who feel so moved to share glowing praise of the work we do at Waterspirit❄

❄Winter is Coming ❄

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week, we invite you to register to celebrate the winter solstice (with special guest musician, Paul Winter!), sign up to join us for the next Book Club; prevent pollution in Newark, New Jersey with us virtually this Thursday at 6:30PM ET, and a final note of appreciation for your assistance in helping us reach our fundraising goals, including the last goal of the year: our stretch goal ❄

Toward a Sustainable Future 💙

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week, we are thankful for YOU for helping us reach our initial fundraising goal and we hope to meet our stretch goal by the end of the year - each and every donation helps ~ We invite you to register to celebrate the winter solstice (with special guest musician, Paul Winter!), and see photos from Saturday when we helped to collect stormwater stories at Paterson Falls 💙