*NEW* Funding for Stormwater Permitting Requirements

See the funding alert through 12/31/23 below. There are divine actions we may take individually and together to ensure we conserve and protect sacred water. In case you missed the webinar series focusing on environmental justice and stormwater management, it lives on Waterspirit’s YouTube and Stormwater Management + Green Infrastructure page. Some of you have shared you are taking the time to watch this series over again so you can help advance stormwater utility feasibilities where you live. THANK YOU!

This is exactly what needs to happen to prepare as we see more and more stories of drought and flooding. Governor Murphy’s Administration announced grant money to assist with stormwater permitting requirements. This is a great update to share with your local county or municipality! Reach out, as always, at water@waterspirit.org to let us know how we might be of support in your quest to capture and conserve precious, blue gold.

“Murphy Administration Offering $19 Million in Grants to Assist Municipalities with New Stormwater Permitting Requirements

The Murphy Administration announced the availability of $19 million in grants to help municipalities with the transition to new municipal stormwater permitting system requirements designed to better protect NJ's waterways from pollutants in stormwater. These permitting changes will also help mitigate localized flooding that is increasing due to climate change. Full details of the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) are available online. Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis through December 31, 2023.”

Pictured above is Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer amongst colleagues at the first joint Lead Free NJ + Jersey Water Works member meeting, anchored by New Jersey Future, which took place last month at Rutgers University