Black Lives Matter
Waterspirit unequivocally condemns the state-sanctioned violence that resulted in George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police officers on May 25.
We praise the Black Lives Matter movement and all persons who are committed to bringing about a more just American society by dismantling white supremacy.
As an organization, we are committed to continually engaging in actions that will help us minimize harm and maximize good as we navigate the racist waters of the society in which we swim. This anti-racist work will be reflected through our advocacy, coalition-building efforts, and internal training opportunities, consistent with Part 5 of our Strategic Plan:
V: Social Justice and Advocacy
We have a sacred duty to hear the cry of the Earth and the cry of her most vulnerable populations. To do this, we need to explicitly listen to the perspectives of people of color and those in communities with environmental justice concerns. If we do not make this a specific concern of ours, we run the risk of Waterspirit benefiting from un-examined structural racism which would undermine our mission.
In the next 3 years, we will make intersectional environmental justice work a central concern that permeates all aspects of Waterspirit’s work.
We will do this by:
Seeking appropriate training and education opportunities for staff, board and volunteers;
Endeavoring to increase the diversity of Waterspirit’s staff, board, volunteers, and program participants;
Collaborating with Peace Ministries in Jersey City and environmental groups in other threatened areas of New Jersey to identify community needs on which Waterspirit might have a beneficial impact;
Increasing our advocacy and programming work in communities experiencing environmental justice concerns, particularly with communities of color.
We encourage readers to use the resources below (as a small selection of those available) to elicit change in the ways that are best suited to their skill sets and circumstances. We encourage you to lean into the productive discomfort that real changes requires.
With gratitude,
Blair Nelsen
Executive Director
Immediate Actions:
Text ‘ActionNOW’ to 90975 to get regular updates about actions you can take.
DONATE to various organizations that are working towards justice.
LISTEN, WATCH & READ. Below is a list of resources to help educate yourself and others.
Groups to Support:
Click HERE to Support New Jersey Black-owned Businesses
Click HERE to Support the Newark Water Coalition
Plan to protest? Here are tips to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19:
- Wear a face covering
- Wear eye protection to prevent injury
- Stay hydrated
- Use hand sanitizer
- Don't yell; use signs & noise makers instead
- Stick to a small group
- Keep 6 feet from other groups
We must hold ourselves responsible for calling out injustice wherever we see it, and working for change. This world belongs to all of us.
Click here to make a tax deductible donation to WATERSPIRIT