Investigating Matters: Take Action Today!

While evidence continues to mount proving that fossil fuel industry companies have lied to the public through disinformation, it remains our responsibility as watershed residents to monitor, report and organize to protect sacred water. There are attempts such as the recent one by the Biden-Harris Administration to strengthen existing laws, like the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), and yet we still require something enduring, like constitutional right to clean air, clean water, a stable climate and healthy environments, a green amendment. Even in New Jersey, which is one of several states suing these bad actors, with a landmark cumulative impacts environmental justice law, implementation, consequences for violations remain lackluster. Wherever we live, let us take the opportunity to connect with others who are caring for watershed and airshed health. Visit our Calls to Action Page.

For instance, residents have been complaining about an odor stemming from a landfill in Tinton Falls, New Jersey. Resulting from public outcries and government response regarding a landfill in Monmouth County, in Tinton Falls, New Jersey, there is now an odor complaint line. To report a foul smell, Call 732-559-ODOR(6367). Read the article announcement here.

Earlier this week, Waterspirit’s own Program Manager and flood victim attended her township’s zoning board meeting in Middlesex County to ensure there would be care and mindfulness given to potential planning in or around a flood zone. She was pleased and glad she had the opportunity to attend.

Also this week, a student leader presented about the New Jersey Green Amendment to their municipal Environmental Commission, whose liaison spoke favorably about it at the municipal council last night. Ultimately a goal is supporting as many municipal and organizational resolutions in support of a NJ Green Amendment (ACR43/ACR119) as possible, as soon as possible.

Next week, a coalition of groups shall come together, as New York did, for a press conference in New Jersey celebrating the prevention of dirty gas expansion through pipeline and compressor station, known as the North Eastern Supply Expansion (“NESE”) project. (Stay tuned here for more.) Diverse public opposition voiced clearly and creatively can make a difference.

Coming up? Poor people are gathering across the land, demonstrating the power of people on June 29th in D.C. Regardless of any outcome, these actions when taken consistently will matter across generations.

Our planet, experiencing record extreme heat in parts right now, is not growing more inhabitable; our situation requires that we take actions where we may to use this time wisely, as responsible watershed residents. To learn more about what you can do, visit our Calls to Action Page.

Get in touch with us, join us, visit our calendar, volunteer page and check out our programs. You make a difference when you show up!

Biden Administration While Increasing Standards, Still Investing in False Solution Fantasies

Waterspirit has been paying close attention to the investments and policies that are continuing to perpetuate fossil fuel. Even in the wake of broad announcements like yesterday’s breaking news update about the Biden-Harris Administration introducing standards toward the reduction of fossil fuel pollution, there is no full throated effort to prevent pollution from dirty gas.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Department of Energy is still investing dollars into Carbon Capture and Storage or Sequestration, a false solution and waste of investment dollars and time. Our Public Policy & Justice Organizer has been warning against “carbon utilization” since she learned about it 15 years ago.

She was quoted in Common Dreams last year advising, "If we are to provide a livable future for current and future generations of young people and all creation, we must invest solely in renewable energy, not furthering fossil fuel fallacies," she emphasized. "Subsidies going to the most heinous polluters are only continuing through this legislation; congressional representatives must know better by now."“

Representatives and leaders may know better but they are not choosing to do their best in 2024. The new rules will do nothing to regulate existing power plants and the false solutions we constantly educate about are still included, supported, funded by the federal government.

Waterspirit spent all this Earth week partaking in the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council’s (NEJAC) convening which centered on cumulative impacts of environmental racism across the land. In New Jersey, we have a responsibility to push for the squeakiest clean energy and wholehearted community led oversight given the other states are looking to the landmark cumulative impacts law we have on the books.

While there is still no clarion call to cut ALL fossil fuel gas infrastructure at the source, it is incumbent upon advocates to speak truth to power and mobilize residents to use their voices. The experiences shared through storytelling are making a difference in places of power. As we closed up yesterday, it was clear to the NEJAC that carbon capture, PFAS, lead, and hydrogen hubs are what are most concerning to water advocates, to say nothing of water scarcity. This is still progress.

We continue to make a difference when we show up. Let’s use our opportunities to organize, speak and share written comments to move people into the climate action we know must take place for a livable future for future generations.

Visit Waterspirit’s Calls to Action Page today and get involved in our work!

Water Is Life: Take Action To Support Water Quality Here, There & Everywhere!

Waterspirit organizes with people across the land and planet to ensure we are preventing water contamination and enhancing access to clean, safe water. Storytelling is powerful, tugs at our heart strings and helps us each move into climate action more easily.

This week we mark ten years since the start of the Flint water crisis and urge you to Watch this video📽️from a local photojournalist on the ground sent to us via our friends at Flint Rising.

In this interconnected web of life, we flow justice like water across the land. The action our friends in Michigan need to be taken is signing this petition to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel demanding that she hold Veolia, the world’s largest private water corporation, and all other responsible parties accountable for their role in the crisis. Flint Rising aims to collect 5,000 signatures as soon as possible. SIGN THE PETITION

The people of Flint still don’t have reliable access to safe water and far too many have escaped accountability for their roles in the ongoing crisis. The Detroit News article out last year reported: Michigan Ends Flint Water Prosecutions Without Conviction.

To bolster the powerful organizing happening on the ground, we’re asking you to take action and show that the world hasn't forgotten about Flint. SIGN THE PETITION

Similar to Flint, Jackson, Mississippi residents have been battling privatized water and forced to grapple with devastating consequences. It is up to residents and resident organizers and allies to ensure people are aware of our water situations.

Check out this new video📽️ supported by Lead Free New Jersey to raise awareness about lead’s impact in Trenton, New Jersey.

Get connected to this effort with us and share your water stories with us; clean, safe water is a human right. Knowledge is power!

Earth Day Beach Cleanup

Waterspirit and Holistic Moms network held our second-annual Earth Day beach cleanup at Sandy Hook on Saturday, 4/20. Despite the threat of rain, over 50 people of all ages came out to give back to the Earth. We cleaned up the bay side beaches, where garbage from the New Jersey and New York area washes up and threatens wildlife. We picked up over 500 lbs of trash! Many thanks to Monmouth County Clean Communities for helping us clean up our local beach!

🌍 Earth Day 2024 WBAI Show Recap🌎

Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, Rachel Dawn Davis, has been actively amplifying the interconnectedness between social justice issues and organizers through water for years. Water is life!

This Earth Day 2024, she was featured on WBAI Radio in her capacity as NJ Poor People’s Campaign Moral Advocate Tri-Chair alongside Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign and Executive Director of the Kairos Center at Union Theological Seminary!

Years ago Rachel Dawn sought press coverage of devastating environmental injustice after a collaborative grassroots effort galvanizing 130 health professionals speaking against a 4th dirty gas plant in the Ironbound section of Newark 3 years ago. Reporter Robert Hennelly took on the coverage and continues to reach into the grassroots organizing of the national Poor People’s Campaign. We deeply appreciate his dedication and openness on the radio airwaves to connecting to peoples hearts and minds into action every week. Visit Waterspirit’s Calls to Action Page HERE.

Listen to What’s Going On? Labor Monday April 22, 2024 on WBAI HERE!
