Waterspirit was on WBAI Radio, Connecting People to Power & Peace, on 3/2

You may recall we shared an amplification of the lived experience in New Jersey’s capital, Trenton, via Raw Story courtesy of reporter Bob Hennelly: “A Golden dome above, ‘street corners for bathrooms’ below.” Waterspirit’s focus on the interconnectedness of all life is apparent through our water and climate justice advocacy.

TODAY: Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, NJ Poor People’s Campaign Moral Advocate Tri-Chair was invited by Bob Hennelly onto What’s Going On Labor Monday from 7:00AM-7:30AM where she spoke about the connections between water, justice, advocacy and the need for relentless civic engagement. Take a listen HERE

Join Us at New Jersey’s Mass Organizing Call on February 5th at 7PM via zoom!

Join the New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign on 2/20/2024 HERE

We offer a short recording of a presentation led by Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, to amplify the work of the modern day Poor People’s Campaign movement. NJ Poor People’s Campaign 2024 mapping for March 2, 2024!

For more information, please email: newjersey@poorpeoplescampaign.org

To get connected and excited about this energy across the land, check out this promotional video from the Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for Moral Revival: https://bit.ly/PPC_Promo_Jan2024

Watching Seals Inspires All to Care for Creation

Have you seen the seals? Waterspirit has invited the public to join us at Sandy Hook Beach to monitor the migrating seal population. Watching these beautiful creatures as they haul out to rest on the rocks inspires us all to do what we can to care for creation.

This past Friday, the education team from the Watershed Institute asked Miss Anne to conduct a session for them. We learned about the seals and enjoyed a little trivia game. Then we went down to the viewing area and enjoyed a quiet afternoon watching the seals. Fun fact…if you challenge a group of naturalists to do the banana pose like a harbor seal, you’ll get at least a few who will do it!

Waterspirit went back to Sandy Hook on Saturday. In the morning we conducted a Winter Beach Cleanup with some amazing volunteers who wanted to protect the Sacred Waters off the Jersey Shore.

Saturday afternoon, as the January temperatures climbed, we enjoyed another visit with the seals. We sure adore these pinnipeds.

Have you seen the seals? Keep an eye on Waterspirit’s Events Calendar to join us for upcoming seal monitoring, beach cleanups and other great programs and events.

New Jersey Poor People's Campaign Moves Forward Together, Not One Step Back

From 1/24/2024:

--en Español abajo--

Dear NJPPC Supporter:

On the month we commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. and honor his legacy, we must make sure you’re aware of the celebration tomorrow, January 26, in Newark. See below for the information in English and in Spanish and details for a discussion concerning United Auto Workers Strike and Building Power for A Just Transition, January 31st  

There are over 140 million poor and low-income people in our country; over 3 million in the state of New Jersey — one paycheck or health crisis away from disaster. Eight hundred of us die each day in the US due to poverty. We will not be silent anymore!

Are you interested in phone banking? Email: newjersey@poorpeoplescampaign.org

Call information will be sent to you. Note: We recommend being at a computer during the phone bank, as it will help to manage the call list, script, and other resources you'll be using. Send an e-mail with any questions to newjersey@poorpeoplescampaign.org

Will you Partner With NJPPC? One important way you can help grow the modern day New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign movement is by donating people power and in-kind donations at this time!

Be present with us at the press conference in Trenton on February 20th, where we will build momentum for our rally on March 2nd.

Join Us at New Jersey’s Mass Organizing Call on February 5th at 7PM via zoom!

We'll ground ourselves in the vision and strategy of the campaign, and share tools and resources to help spread the word about the Poor People's demands and our State House Assembly on March 2nd!

Connect with us on Twitter @NewJerseyPPC and Instagram nj_poorpeoplescampaign

March 2nd Mass State House Assembly in Trenton

The National Theomusicology and Cultural Arts Team will be holding a training on Sunday January 28th at 5pm ET for all movement artists including state song leaders/chanters and visual art supporters to prepare us for this season of action and ensure that we are moving one band, one sound. Click here to learn more and register for the training.

We're taking action with dozens of states around the country at state Capitols on March 2nd! More details will be available soon, but plan to join us if you believe in & demand:

Living Wages,
Voting Rights &
Stopping Voter Suppression,
Equal Rights For All,
Worker/Labor Rights,
Environmental Justice,
Access to Housing,
Fully-Funded Public Education,
Abolishing Poverty,
Ant the Unity of Love, Not the Division of Hate!

Register and save the date here. Scroll down for additional event information.

Forward Together, Not One Step Back!

In Solidarity,

The NJ Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee

From the Ironbound Community Corporation: Reparations through Climate Justice

Date: January 26th, 2024

Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm

Location: 1 New York Ave, Newark, NJ 07105

Join us on Friday, January 26, 2024, from 6-8 pm at 1 at 1 New York Avenue for our annual celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This year's theme revolves around Reparations and Climate Justice. Explore in community the significance of reparations to Black and brown communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

During the event, we'll have the privilege of having long time organizer and member of the Black Panther party, Baba Zayid Muhammad, on panel alongside ICC’s very own EJ organizer, Chloe Desir. Our panelists will share insights into the history of the civil rights movement, take a look in to our ongoing organizing efforts and delve into the intersection of reparations and climate justice.

We will be kicking off the evening with a 10-minute yoga session led by Melo. Talented performers include singer Janetza Miranda, poet Kween Moore, and J Read who will grace us with a captivating violin ensemble.

Don't miss this thought-provoking and culturally enriching experience.

January 31st: The United Auto Workers Strike and Building Worker Power for a Just Transition

We hope you’ll join us for an exciting discussion on Jan. 31st at 3pm ET/noon PT with two organizers who helped lead last year’s impressive United Auto Workers (UAW) strike against the Big 3 auto companies. During the webinar -- “The UAW Strike and Building Worker Power for a Just Transition” – we’ll discuss how the fight for worker justice is key to building a just, renewable and livable future for all. ** RSVP HERE **


Estimado partidario de NJPPC:

En el mes en que conmemoramos a Martin Luther King, Jr. y honramos su legado, debemos asegurarnos de que estén al tanto de la celebración de mañana, 26 de enero, en Newark. Consulte a continuación la información en inglés y en español y los detalles de una discusión sobre la huelga de United Auto Workers y la construcción de poder para una transición justa, el 31 de enero.

En nuestro país hay más de 140 millones de personas pobres y de bajos ingresos; más de 3 millones en el estado de Nueva Jersey: a un cheque de pago o una crisis de salud del desastre. Ochocientos de nosotros morimos cada día en Estados Unidos debido a la pobreza. ¡Ya no nos quedaremos callados!

¿Estás interesado en la banca telefónica? Correo electrónico: newjersey@poorpeoplescampaign.org

Se le enviará la información de la llamada. Nota: Recomendamos estar frente a una computadora durante el banco telefónico, ya que le ayudará a administrar la lista de llamadas, el guión y otros recursos que utilizará. Envíe un correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta a newjersey@poorpeoplescampaign.org

¿Se asociará con NJPPC? ¡Una manera importante de ayudar a hacer crecer el movimiento moderno de la Campaña de los Pobres de Nueva Jersey es donando el poder de la gente y donaciones en especie en este momento!

Esté presente con nosotros en la conferencia de prensa en Trenton el 20 de febrero, donde generaremos impulso para nuestra manifestación el 2 de marzo.

¡Únase a nosotros en la convocatoria de organización masiva de Nueva Jersey el 5 de febrero a las 7 p.m. vía zoom!

¡Nos basaremos en la visión y la estrategia de la campaña y compartiremos herramientas y recursos para ayudar a difundir las demandas de los pobres y nuestra Asamblea de la Cámara Estatal el 2 de marzo!

Conéctate con nosotros en Twitter @NewJerseyPPC e Instagram nj_poorpeoplescampaign

2 de marzo Asamblea masiva de la Cámara de Representantes en Trenton

El Equipo Nacional de Teomusicología y Artes Culturales llevará a cabo una capacitación el domingo 28 de enero a las 5 p. m., hora del Este, para todos los artistas del movimiento, incluidos los líderes de canciones/cantantes estatales y los partidarios de las artes visuales, para prepararnos para esta temporada de acción y garantizar que estemos moviendo una banda. un sonido. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y registrarse para la capacitación.

¡Estaremos tomando medidas con docenas de estados de todo el país en los capitolios estatales el 2 de marzo! Pronto habrá más detalles disponibles, pero planee unirse a nosotros si cree y exige:

·         salarios dignos,

·         Cuidado de la salud,

·         Derecho al voto &

·         Detener la supresión de votantes,

·         Igualdad de derechos para todos,

·         Derechos de los trabajadores/laborales,

·         La justicia ambiental,

·         Acceso a la Vivienda,

·         Educación pública totalmente financiada,

·         abolir la pobreza,

·         ¡Ante la unidad del amor, no la división del odio!

Regístrate y reserva la fecha aquí.

En solidaridad,

El Comité Coordinador de la Campaña de los Pobres de Nueva Jersey

Únase a nosotros El Viernes 26 de Enero de 6 a 8 pm en 1 New York Avenue para nuestra celebración anual en honor al Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. El tema de este año gira en torno a las reparaciones y la justicia climática. Explorar en comunidad la importancia de las reparaciones para las comunidades negras y morenas en la primera línea de la crisis climática.

Durante el evento, tendremos el privilegio de contar con Baba Zayid Muhammad, organizador y miembro del Partido Pantera Negra desde hace mucho tiempo, en el panel junto a nuestra propia organizadora de EJ, Chloe Desir. Nuestros panelistas compartirán ideas sobre la historia del movimiento por los derechos civiles, echarán un vistazo a nuestros esfuerzos organizativos en curso y profundizarán en la intersección de las reparaciones y la justicia climática.

Comenzaremos la noche con una sesión de yoga de 10 minutos dirigida por Melo. Entre los talentosos intérpretes se encuentran la cantante Janetza Miranda, el poeta Kween Moore y J Read, que nos honrará con un cautivador conjunto de violines.

No te pierdas esta experiencia que invita a la reflexión y es culturalmente enriquecedora.

31 de enero: Huelga del sindicato United Auto Workers y construcción del poder de los trabajadores para una transición justa

Esperamos que se una a nosotros para una discusión emocionante el 31 de enero a las 3 p.m. ET/mediodía PT con dos organizadores que ayudaron a liderar la impresionante huelga del United Auto Workers (UAW) del año pasado contra las tres grandes compañías automotrices. Durante el seminario web, “La huelga del UAW y la construcción del poder de los trabajadores para una transición justa”, discutiremos cómo la lucha por la justicia de los trabajadores es clave para construir un futuro justo, renovable y habitable para todos.

**Confirma tu asistencia AQUÍ**

NJ Transit's Dirty Gas Project is Scrapped!

We did it! NorthJersey.Com reports “NJ Transit’s Controversial Transitgrid project is cancelled” and News 12 shares “NJ Transit Pulls the plug on troubled power plant but gets to keep the $503M in Federal money

Waterspirit’s entire team extends our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible people power that have tirelessly fought over half a decade to prevent the construction of a dirty gas plant by NJ Transit. We knew there were other ways to get energy than by perpetual dirty gas. The unwavering dedication and relentless efforts we have put forth have paid off. Almost a year ago, coverage of our efforts were given the shining light they were due. Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer was present at every board meeting virtually and specifically was recognized for amplifying the fact that the majority of non-English speaking residents were unaware this potential deadly project was on the table. This is a tremendous win for the social justice advocacy extension of Waterspirit’s ongoing presence as a witness bearer and voice of moral reason.

Thanks to consistent determination, residents in Kearny can know for now that we have successfully prevented the harmful effects of a dirty methane gas plant. We must keep going because there are still bad projects with potential to harm communities, such as Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC)’s pending out of touch dirty gas plant. As Environmental Justice leader Maria Lopez-Nuñez of the Ironbound Community Corporation, shared today to the Associated Press, “If NJ Transit will acknowledge that their backup power system is no longer necessary, then we call on Governor Murphy to direct PVSC to do the same.”

By rallying together, providing testimony, creatively communicating to decision makers, raising awareness and engaging in meaningful discussions, you have successfully pushed for change. Thank you for speaking up for what you believe in and for helping to make so called New Jersey a better place for generations to come.

Let us celebrate this victory together, knowing that our collective efforts have made a lasting difference! Check Waterspirit’s calendar and Calls to Action page for more opportunities to get involved in protecting sacred water and life.