Welcoming the Autumn at the Fall Equinox Celebration

On Friday, September 22, we welcomed the harvest season with music, ritual, poetry, and prayer. We gave thanks for the abundance in our lives, we let go of what no longer serves us, and we invited balance into our days. Many thanks to our special guest musician, Phil Weir, for sharing his talents with us during the ceremony. We are grateful for all of the volunteers, readers, and guests who commemorated the beginning of autumn with us. Photos by the incomparable Robert Wasilewski. Mother Tree photos by Anne Price, Program Manager.

Climate Justice Now!

On Sunday, September 17, Waterspirit’s staff, board, and volunteers prayed with our feet by joining over 75,000 people in the March to End Fossil Fuels . We took to the streets in New York City to call for a just transition to renewable energy and an end to the era of fossil fuels. It’s time to declare a climate emergency! It’s time for care for the common good guide our collective decision-making. It’s time to care for the whole Earth community by living in Earth-honoring ways. Climate justice now!

Ready to take the next step? If you’re in New Jersey, please join us on October 21 for a DivestNJ workshop. If you’re elsewhere, check out our calls to action page for actions you can take right now!

Watch our video clips from the march on Waterspirit’s YouTube channel.

Marching to End Fossil Fuels In The Press 📰

While we will update our network with some press mentions in the near future, we are lifting up this coverage of the fast approaching March to End Fossil Fuels. May we tell the stories, the reasons why we march, to all press across the globe; young people are counting on us.

Climate Activists: We should prepare for things to get worse but that cannot be a recipe for apathy” We are so proud to be connected with the Star Ledger Guest Columnists Larry Hamm and Matt Smith, and urge that you share their message, especially the following:

We have heard all the rhetoric about climate justice. We need to see action – and that starts by stopping new sources of fossil fuel pollution.”

Here’s SOMA Action with “Five Reasons Why It’s Time to March to End Fossil Fuels” published by the Village Green:

Under the Paris Agreement, nations committed to limiting warming to 2°C, with efforts to stay under 1.5°C. We’ve already warmed 1.2°C. Current pledges put us on a dangerous 2.5°C rise by 2100. Emissions must fall over 60% this decade to meet Paris Agreement goals.”

If it wasn’t reported/recorded, it did not happen. May we capture and share the memories, stories of hope filled, love centered advocacy and activism. Photos. Videos. Journaling. We encourage you to keep your local news outlets and radio shows apprised of your coverage; everyone can be a media leader. May we continue to ever use our voices intentionally to move away from fossil fuels, protect sacred water and all Creation.

Waterspirit’s network is participating in/with the faith invocation and you may connect with us and many other hubs, including transportation from 15 locations, through registering via our calendar here. Watch this video to get excited and in the know about the day of-what to expect. Hoping to see you at the march!

Our Newsletter Is Here!

Click the button below to read the pdf version of our third newsletter of 2023, featuring:

  • A recap of the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Action Assembly in DC, and what poverty alleviation has to do with water issues;

  • Reflections on mindfulness in nature;

  • Stories from the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago;

  • An interview with board member, Hugh Carola, and an open call for new board members;

  • Photos, inspirational quotes, and more!