CLICK HERE to read this week’s mailer. Don't miss your chance to study Climate Pastoral Care for free with the Ed Ciuba scholarship, due Friday! See all of our upcoming events and calls to action in this week's mailer.
D.C. Moral Poverty Action Congress + Next Steps 📜
Last week, Rachel Dawn Davis attended the second in-person Moral Poverty Action Congress, which gathered hundreds of impacted people, faith leaders and moral advocates to plan and strategize focused actions toward eradicating poverty. What does this have to do with water?
Everything. Throughout the conference, people shared personal stories centered on water and Poor People’s Campaign national leadership called out water inequality, flooding, sacrifice zones and sewage filled streets and rivers when making the case, as we do here, for preventative action that is urgent. Rachel Dawn and others in New Jersey’s Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee connected with other state campaigns throughout the land to strategize next steps to build and focus power at each statehouse.
Notably, H. Res 532 a.k.a. the 3rd Reconstruction Resolution, fully addressing poverty and low wages from the bottom up, was introduced on Summer Solstice, highlighting demands, such as:
“Whereas an expansion of oil and fossil fuel infrastructure led to over 5,000 significant oil and gas leaks or ruptures on United States pipelines, more than 2,400 oil spills in United States waters, and 1,100 coal ash ponds, all of which are disproportionately proximate to poor communities;
Whereas tens of millions of Americans cannot afford access to clean water, 44,000,000 people are living with water systems that violated the Safe Drinking Water Act, and approximately 540,000 households lack access to complete plumbing, with Native American households more likely to face water access issues than other households;”
Be it resolved:
“(i) investing in a green infrastructure package that provides for equitable public transit, fixes roads and bridges, ensures equitable and affordable housing, education, and care work and access to broadband, electricity, water, sanitation, and other public utilities, expands public health infrastructure, sustainable food production and distribution, and community-based institutions like libraries, fire stations, and recreation facilities;
(ii) dramatically curtailing air, water, land, and climate pollution
(vi) guaranteeing the right to water by ending water and utility shut offs and making clean water and sanitation services accessible to all;”
Read/Listen to the full text here HERE.
This 3rd Reconstruction Resolution introduction came one day after the ~1000 member group descended on Congress to demand poverty prevention be made a priority for the people.
New state by state data was released at the conference; explore and share the New Jersey Fact Sheet. Seeds were planted for New Jersey, strategies were created and bonds were deepened. A big upcoming goal for the modern day Poor People’s Campaign is to galvanize thousands of New Jersey’s most affected people to the NJ Statehouse in February. Want to help? We want you!
Want to learn more? The New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee attendees were covered in an article via InsiderNewJersey: “2024 Politics as if Our Life Expectency Mattered” by Bob Hennelly; and Rachel Dawn was featured as a co-host on the WBAI Radio show What’s Going On Labor Monday June 26, 2023. Take a listen!
To learn more about NJ Poor People’s Campaign, please email:
Solstice Blessings!
CLICK HERE to read this week’s mailer, including an invitation to tonight’s summer solstice celebration (online or in-person) and other exciting upcoming events.
Honoring Juneteenth 2023 from the Moral Poverty Action Congress
Today is Juneteenth and in New Jersey, dubbed “slave state of the north” activists announce the formation of a reparations council, “even as legislative action remains stalled.” Waterspirit is representing New Jersey in D.C. this week at the Moral Poverty Action Congress, an effort from the modern day Poor People’s Campaign. Here is a recent article from USA Today “As Pandemic Era Benefits unwind, Poor People’s Campaign wants to address poverty.” From the article:
”Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – a revival of the 1968 movement launched by Martin Luther King Jr. – aims to highlight the dangers of poverty with a three-day congress on Capitol Hill starting Monday. Hundreds of leaders from over 30 states plan to demand elected officials address poverty in the United States, with participants highlighting a recent report that names poverty as one of the country’s leading risk factors related to death.”
Rachel Dawn Davis will be providing updates throughout the week concerning New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign’s congressional visits tomorrow afternoon. Imagine the descent of anti-poverty advocates on Washington D.C. in unison from across the land? This is taking place tomorrow; the group refrain “Forward Together, Not One Step Back!”
Some Rail Safety Advances in New Jersey, Amidst Federal Inaction
On Thursday, A5605, which “concerns railroad safety”, was heard by the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities and the opportunity to provide testimony was available to those who could attend in person. It is difficult for working people and those in school to partake in this process; underscoring the opportunity to help by being present if and when you are capable. When arriving to provide testimony once inside the assigned room, there will be slips (for each legislative item) you may fill out to share you/your group are either “IN FAVOR” or “OPPOSED.” Speakers are given the opportunity to testify. This was thanks to the tireless efforts of advocates, namely Paula Rogovin who originated the Coalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains, pictured with me herein, and elected leaders who communicate with one another about this necessary safeguarding for a most populated state. Check out the full recording: 15th June 2023 New Jersey Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee. (Waterspirit at 39:23) To learn more about what is taking place on the ground in East Palestine, Ohio on the ground and how you might assist, please connect with River Valley Organizing.
Thank you for your support + Welcome Summer with Waterspirit! ☀️
Check out Waterspirit’s latest mailer HERE! Inside you will find upcoming actions, programs, including Summer Solstice, and some pictures from the wondrous Joys of the Sea Gala.
Searing Orange Skies Clear for Waterspirit's 25 Year Anniversary
Contact: June 10, 2023
Searing Orange Skies Clear for Waterspirit’s 25 Year Anniversary
Audience gathered to honor esteemed founders of religion & ecology
Rumson, New Jersey- The intense orange sky and poor air quality-while gone for the day- underscored the importance of Waterspirit’s Joys of the Sea Gala on Saturday June 10th, which brought together 55 attendees immersed in the Oak Grove next to the First Presbyterian Church of Rumson. Attendees gathered to honor the 25 years of nonprofit programming and advocacy centered upon water, the source and sustainer of all life. The event marks the retirement of the founders of the field of religion and ecology, demonstrating how their vision is being expressed by turning love into action.
During the event, Waterspirit’s Executive Director, Blair Nelsen remarked on the extraordinary impact of Waterspirit’s Spirit of Water award honorees, Drs. Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim, upon their retirement. “The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is a precious resource and node of connection. The committee was delighted to present them with this award as they transition away from classroom teaching and into new projects and adventures. Professors Tucker and Grim were the first people to introduce me to Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical letter, Laudato Si’. As a graduate student, I had the privilege of being inspired by their perception of a new ecological age dawning amongst the world’s religions. Now, at Waterspirit, I am able to use their teachings to help guide people of all beliefs toward water-honoring consciousness. It is truly an honor to present the Suzanne Golas Spirit of Water Award to them today, in recognition of the decades of trailblazing research and compassionate mentoring they have achieved,” said Blair Nelsen, Executive Director, Waterspirit.
During the event, attendees bid on donated auction items and recorded messages to Waterspirit’s growing network of faith and ecology enthusiasts, including founder, Suzanne Golas, CSJP. “Among many other reasons, I’m celebrating Waterspirit because it is one of only a tiny handful of spiritually-based environmental groups that is both inclusive of all faiths and rooted in reality.” said Hugh Carola, Waterspirit board member and longtime Program Director at Hackensack Riverkeeper. He continued, “And Waterspirit’s reality includes embracing the beauty and wonder of nature as well as squaring one’s shoulders to take on the myriad threats to that very same nature."
Mindy McDonald, CSJP, expressed her heartfelt gratitude, “Our Congregation of Sisters was founded in 1884 to be peacemakers, and our interpretation of peacemaking continues to expand. Thanks to the faithful work of scholars like John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, today we understand that the non-domination we are called to in seeking peace refers not just to other human beings, but to the entire life of the planet. This revolutionary idea is affirmed by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’. We are honored and grateful to have Mary Evelyn and John with us for Joys of the Sea!”
Waterspirit Board Chairperson, Kate Chambers, talked of the global impact Waterspirit has had and continues to have over the past 25 years. “Somehow we are all gathered today – linked to each other – through the connections and visionary work that Suzanne began 25 years ago. She emphasized that water connects us all – all over the globe. The lists of places she went seemed endless – the number of people she touched kept multiplying.”
An acknowledgement was read from Waterspirit’s Founder, Suzanne Golas: “Congratulations to Blair and to all who have supported Waterspirit’s mission of ecology and spirituality for the past twenty-five years and continue to do so. Waterspirit calls us to an awareness of who we are, and reminds us of who we are to be. The CSJPs have tried to communicate the beauty of creation. But without water, there is no life-no creation. When we recognize water as a gift to be valued, our lives are sustained, deepened and ennobled. We CSJPs, and I personally, didn’t recognize that value of water until I grew in my value of peace and justice.”
Blair Nelsen concluded, “For the past 25 years, Waterspirit has helped people of all beliefs deepen their awareness of the sacredness of water and the interconnectedness of all Earth’s systems. Living in awareness of our interconnectedness is what helps us renew our commitment to protect water and to realize that no one has to do this work alone. We enter into ecological consciousness, and then we have the strength to face whatever challenges come our way. With the looming climate crisis and ongoing environmental injustices, this work is more urgent than ever. Joys of the Sea is a chance to celebrate our wins over the past quarter century, to refresh and renew our community so that we are prepared for the next 25 years and beyond.”
Thank you, again, to our Joys of the Sea sponsors: Peace Ministries, Progress Capital, Middletown Pediatric Dental, Ann Marie and Bob Reardon, Kate and Bob Chambers, Sue Smith and an anonymous donor. Waterspirit’s calendar is full of upcoming events and programs. The Waterspirit Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers are appreciative to all for attending!
Northeast Air Quality & World Oceans Day
June 8th is World Oceans Day, and we urge you to check out what is taking place throughout the globe. Here is Blessing for Water from Starhawk.
The orange sky and devastating air quality are the result of climate inaction. For a fact sheet from the NJ Department of Health about poor air quality, click here. There is no denying climate emergency or the linkage from wildfires to the greed of fossil fuel industry profiteers affecting our disproportionately limited water supply. The choices made to finance fossil fuel programs today are unforgivable.
What do we do now? We get educated and act. See Waterspirit’s Calls to Action page and urge Governor Murphy and President Biden to declare a climate emergency. Environmental justice will never be realized until we treat climate crisis seriously, responding with sweeping preventative measures.
New Jersey’s state government agencies closed early yesterday and just declared today, June 8th, and tomorrow, June 9th, Unhealthy category statewide until 11:59 PM. As communities across the country deal with the impacts of wildfire smoke, EPA’s AirNow app can share real-time air quality data to keep you, your family and your neighbors safe. Read this article from Heatmap here for more about how the east coasts wildfires are comparing to the worst days on the west coast.
This afternoon many people are starting a week of action in D.C. to urge the end of the era of fossil fuel and raise awareness about the detrimental Mountain Valley Pipeline that would only harm Appalachia while exacerbating climate crisis.
Waterspirit will continue to share any pertinent information as we receive it and encourage everyone to stay indoors and seek out how to support your local unhoused population. There is a live piece of legislation that would ensure a code red would assist in housing all those in need during extreme heat or weather events.
Particularly when wildfires cause people to stay indoors or suffer health crises, we see a need for eco-anxiety support. Waterspirit offers eco-anxiety support and encourage you and anyone you know who might benefit to share the forthcoming opportunity in September. HERE is a list of emergency health phone numbers, including suicide prevention and crisis intervention.
Celebrating World Environment + Ocean Days + Summer Solstice! 🌎☀️
Check out Waterspirit’s latest weekly mailer HERE. In this issue, you’ll find reminders for upcoming events and pictures from programming and advocacy in action.
In case you missed it, Waterspirit’s 25th anniversary was covered last week in Patch! We are grateful our work is being broadly recognized.
Why Whales are Dying in NY and NJ
We are re-sharing a recent episode of the Brian Lehrer show via WNYC: Why Whales are Dying in NY and NJ
Scientific evidence demonstrates that vessel strikes, climate change, and fishing gear are among the main culprits for marine mammal deaths. As this radio show echoes, whale deaths remain consistent with recent years since 2016, regardless of wind farm development preparations. Last month, NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Commissioner, Sean LaTourette testified in Trenton to the bad faith actors misleading the public to preemptively blame wind farm development for whale deaths. On this show, Dr. Andy Read who directs the Duke Marine Lab and serves on the Marine Mammal Commission, shares the latest research. Take a listen and then take action.
Sign a petition form our friends at Save Coastal Wildlife: urge NOAA to adopt rules reducing the speed of vessels. Please see this handy field guide to learn more about whales along the Jersey Shore
Visit the Marine Mammal Stranding Center for information and to report a stranding.
Visit NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s website dedicated to offshore wind for recent proceedings and statements
Reach out if you have any questions: