This week, we are launching our BRAND NEW Climate Pastoral Care Course with a special panel of experts. We will also come together in person to mark 10 years after Hurricane Sandy reached our shores. We will take action for democracy, learn about nature, and lament for earth. What a busy week! CLICK HERE to read our mailer with all of the details.
Stormwater Management Leadership, Climate Crisis Prevention + Calming Self-Care ☕
Join us tomorrow, October 19th, as we dive into funding sources for stormwater management projects and check out upcoming Waterspirit events. Read our weekly mailer here, featuring good news about the divestment effort in New Jersey!
Waves of Hope and Healing
CLICK HERE to read this week’s mailer, including an upcoming “hope and healing” event to commemorate 10 years after Superstorm Sandy reached the Jersey Shore.
Oops! Technical Difficulties.
Sorry, folks— we’re having difficulties with this week’s Meditation for Earth! We’ll have our video up on YouTube as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Get Outside And Learn! 🍂
Join us at Friday's ANJEE conference or at any of these upcoming Waterspirit events. Read our weekly mailer here, featuring photos from the equinox ceremony and the global climate strike.
Read Our Annual Report
Our annual report for the 2021-2022 fiscal year is now available. CLICK HERE to read the pdf.
The Fall Equinox Is This Thursday! 🍂
Celebrate with us in-person or online at 7 p.m. ET. Learn more about our equinox celebration and other upcoming events in this week's mailer. CLICK HERE to read it!
Enjoying the last weeks of summer
We are getting ready to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, but we are still enjoying a few great things as summer winds down. Check out this week's mailer by clicking here.
Introducing Our New Team Member!
Please join us in welcoming Anne Price, our new Program Manager! Learn more about Anne and this week's events in this mailer. CLICK HERE to read it!
Welcoming Anne
Waterspirit is delighted to announce the arrival of our new Program Manager, Anne Price!
Anne Price has a strong passion for her family, wildlife and all of nature. Anne considers her career a personal mission. She has dedicated herself as a naturalist, teaching environmental education at nature centers in NJ since 1987. Anne has been a catechist at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Old Bridge NJ. For 10 years she enjoyed leading students in their spiritual journey. As a steward of the Earth, Anne feels her mission is to teach people to appreciate nature, for we will only protect what we love.
Welcome aboard, Anne!