There's Still Time ⌛

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This week’s highlights include how to join our next round of 10-Steps Eco-Anxiety Support Group beginning tonight, September 28th, an in-person writing workshop on October 2nd, recognizing #NationalVoterRegistrationDay TODAY with methods to help Get Out The Vote with our partner, League of Women Voters, and a recent victory against a major pipeline project, PennEast. Enjoy!

A Balance of Night and Day 🍂

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week’s highlights include a reminder to join our in-person Meditation for Earth sessions on Tuesdays at 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary at Rumson Presbyterian Church, a registration link for Waterspirit’s Fall Equinox Celebration tomorrow, September 22nd, a link to our Fall Newsletter, a registration link for an in-person writing workshop on October 2nd, announcing Waterspirit’s partnership as part of the upcoming Regenerative Communities Summit September 24- October 10th, and photos from last weekend’s Wind and Sea Festival.

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness 🍂

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week’s highlights include a reminder to join our in-person Meditation for Earth sessions on Tuesdays at 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary at Rumson Presbyterian Church, an invitation to the Wind & Sea Festival on September 18th, a registration link for Waterspirit’s Fall Equinox Celebration on September 22nd, how to join our next round of 10-Steps Eco-Anxiety Support Group on September 28th, an in-person writing workshop on October 2nd and a recap of significant advocacy meetings in which Waterspirit has been partaking!

Dialing Up Dialogue, Waterspirit Met with the US Treasury Department

Democracy, like water, is fluid. Waterspirit’s advocacy work has always been rooted in finding solutions to right the wrongs inflicted upon Mother Earth and all Creation. Ongoing monetary gain for fossil fuel companies poisons the way of life on Earth for all living beings. Fossil fuel industry operations are to blame for rapid acceleration of warmth in our atmosphere, and the ancillary storms, tornadoes, fires and other climate emergencies with which we are increasingly grappling. The major storm events we have been experiencing on the East Coast have been produced by fossil fuel byproducts, which remain largely subsidized. 

When as recently as September 9th, a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairpersonship was utilized as a revolving door for industry wealth holders yet again, (White House Nominee Has Deep Ties to Fossil Fuel and Utility Industries), it is hard to justify to young livable-future advocates why this caricatured illustration remains status quo. There are economic gains to be realized from a wholehearted approach to renewable energy and a just transition away from fossil fuel. Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, is warning about an approaching default that will take place next month. (Yellen Warns US on to Default in October)

We breathe. We organize. We coalesce and take the opportunity for meetings to engage directly with decision makers, highlighting the transparency allowing for ultimate accountability toward Mutli-solving next steps.

In May of this year, an Executive Order on Climate Related Financial Risk was issued. In response to this, organizers wrote this letter to the Biden Administration. Organizers, such as Doug Norlen of Friends of the Earth, followed up to learn more. Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE), a coalition partner of Waterspirit, led by Erika Thi Patterson orchestrated a meeting with the Treasury Department. I, Rachel Dawn Davis, Public Policy & Justice Organizer for Waterspirit, was fortunate enough to partake alongside Dallas Goldtooth, Keep It In The Ground Campaign Organizer for Indigenous Environmental Network, Jackie Fielder, Activist with StopTheMoneyPipeline, Osprey Orielle Lake Founder and Executive Director of Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN), Tracey Lewis, Policy Analyst for, Clair Brown, Economics Professor, RL Miller, Political Director of Climate Hawks Vote, Lena Rodriguez, Indigenous Youth and elder Caretaker, and Amy Gray, Activist Leader with Colorado. We met with the Climate Counselor, the Financial Stability Oversight Council Secretariat, and officials working in the areas of Domestic Finance, Climate and Energy Economics. Naturally, concerns were shared in writing beforehand and stories were shared during the meeting. After West Coast based people spoke emotionally about the fires, we talked floods and stormwater being an obstacle for existing power plants to be sourced by 100% renewable energy. We took on the connection of Hurricane Ida which was about to land in New Jersey at the time, 1st September 2021.

Waterspirit, alongside water protectors throughout Turtle Island, asked for the Treasury Department to stop funding dirty energy and instill confidence in the public communities across this land by creating a robust, transparent plan. We requested that such a plan include clear, independently audited measurements with communicated benchmarks along the way, such as phasing out investments in fossil fuel by 2026 while concurrently increasing investments in renewable energy jobs for frontline communities. We requested they act to ensure investments are prioritized for BIPOC communities and that they explicitly help to begin to heal the harm caused by environmental racism. 

Here are the resources we shared:

·  Hoodwinked in the Hot House: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change Report

·  Carbon Unicorns Report: The Deception of Carbon Markets and Net Zero

·  Too Many (Loop)holes in the Net: “Net Zero” Promises Ring Hollow Without “Zero Fossil Fuel” Pledges

·  Fractured: The Body Burden of Living Near Fracking  

·  Gendered and Racial Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in North America and Complicit Financial Institutions 

·  2021 Congressional Briefing on the Abuses of FERC and Needed Reforms

The US will benefit from investments in 100% renewable energy and a just and stable labor force transition, starting now. We look forward to ongoing dialogue fostering the solutions that must be implemented, such as those included in the potential budget reconciliation package. We will keep you apprised of updates!

Flow With The Spirit of Water!

Read our latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week’s highlights include a reminder to join our in-person Meditation for Earth sessions on Tuesdays at 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary at Rumson Presbyterian Church, a registration link for Waterspirit’s Fall Equinox Celebration on September 22nd, how to join our next round of 10-Steps Eco-Anxiety Support Group on September 28th, an in-person writing workshop on October 2nd and where to go for information following the aftermath of Ida.

A New Month Brings Exciting New Events at Waterspirit!

A New Month Brings Exciting New Events at Waterspirit!

Read out latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week’s highlights include a reminder to join our in-person Meditation for Earth sessions on Tuesdays at 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary at Rumson Presbyterian Church, an invitation to the Wind & Sea Festival on September 18th, a registration link for Waterspirit’s Fall Equinox Celebration on September 22nd, a sign-up link to attend Waterspirit’s workshop at this year’s ANJEE Autumn Outdoor Conference on September 24th, chasing carbon unicorns and the deception of ‘net zero’ report, how to join our next round of 10-Steps Eco-Anxiety Support Group on September 28th, an in-person writing workshop on October 2nd and how to support the Pura Vida Bracelet Fundraiser in partner with Waterspirit, Green Amendments for the Generations and Bye Bye Plastic Bags New Jersey.

Waterspirit & NJLCV Echo: New Jerseyans May Rise Above Flooding with Funding

For Immediate Release                                 Press Contact: Rachel Dawn Davis: 732.923.9788

August 30, 2021                                            

                             New Jerseyans May Rise Above Flooding with Funding

Daily life has been ravaged in communities grappling after record flooding in China, Germany, the East Coast and, recently, right here in New Jersey. There is a funding mechanism in New Jersey that could help in the aftermath of floods experienced by our most vulnerable communities and help New Jerseyans prepare for future climate induced emergencies. Municipalities across the country are noticeably focused on which critical green infrastructure should be funded and action related planning has been long overdue.

Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) President, Jennifer Coffey[1] recently highlighted the 1700 communities which have already explored stormwater utilities as a means of upgrading their climate emergency response efforts and preventative measures. On August 5th, 2021, Waterspirit’s Public Policy & Justice Organizer, Rachel Dawn Davis, pressed Lee Clark, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Environmental Justice Policy Manager to talk more about the visible trend across the country to make use of stormwater utilities. Having presented on this topic at the Sustainable Red Bank series earlier this year, the duo talked about the exploratory process, such as the one now underway in Red Bank.

The conversation with Lee and Rachel shared on the topic of stormwater management is available for viewing via Waterspirit’s YouTube channel. Lee shared, “We’re seeing the benefits of stormwater utilities already,” adding, “There’s a reason why we’re seeing them pop up all around the country, and it’s because it works. Now is when we need to make New Jersey the next state to adopt. The real question isn’t whether we will. The real question is who going to be the first municipality to adopt it. Who’s going to be the first to cross the finish line and how quickly will the other 564 New Jersey municipalities start?”

Rachel followed up, “That would be the best outcome of this conversation. For that first domino to be pushed and everyone else to follow…in a way that meets the urgency of our climate emergency, especially for the young people today and future generations.” Watch this video to learn more: Waterspirit and New Jersey League of Conservation Voters are grateful to bring our presentation to wherever you experience flooding and see opportunities for improved stormwater infrastructure.

Waterspirit is a nonprofit center for spiritual ecology, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Founded in 1998, Waterspirit is currently headquartered on occupied Lenni Lenape land in Rumson, New Jersey. Through programs, learning, reflection, and ritual, we help connect to meaningful actions on behalf of water. To learn more or get involved, visit:


It Is Local Summer & These Events Are Not to be Missed!

It Is Local Summer & These Events Are Not to be Missed!

Read out latest Mailchimp campaign HERE

This week’s highlights include a Pura Vida Bracelet Fundraiser in partner with Green Amendments for the Generations and Bye Bye Plastic Bags New Jersey, an invite to join us at the Wind and Sea Festival, a link to RSVP to our upcoming Fall Equinox Celebration, a link to our latest Waterside Chat on our YouTube channel and information about Waterspirit’s Book Club with a poem highlighted from our current book club read.