A parallel event on the margins of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week and UN Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit.
Multi-faith worship service (12 –1) + lunch (1 -2) + roundtable discussion (2 –3:30)
Online and In-person
This two-part gathering aims to seize this unique moment to sharpen our focus on our own climate ambition as faith-based actors engaged in UN processes, take stock of our progress towards these goals, and prepare us to share our findings and speak intelligently and effectively of parallel outcomes in future UN meetings and mechanisms and meetings with stakeholders. As host and co-sponsor, The Episcopal Church will provide the venue and start the roundtable conversation by presenting an informal model of its own stocktaking, which will be followed by roundtable discussions with contributions from co-sponsors and participants alike. The stocktake conversation will be framed by a review of the formal UNFCCC Global Stocktake process and connect to the UNGA High-Level events and emerging themes for future climate action.
Ahead of our discussions, we will gather for a multifaith worship service to pray for world leaders and concrete outcomes during the United Nations General Assembly and High-Level Summits happening nearby.