Join us for the third installment in this four-part series. Co-hosted with New Jersey League of Conservation Voters and other NJ organizational partners. Sponsored by The Watershed Institute.
More extreme storms and lack of appropriate stormwater management means that New Jersey needs $40 billion to modernize its infrastructure and about $16 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Municipalities cannot fund those improvements from local budgets alone. That is why New Jersey LCV and Waterspirit are hosting key funders to discuss the grants, loans and financing options they provide to municipalities to cover the costs of stormwater feasibility studies, climate resiliency programs, green infrastructure projects, and other water infrastructure needs.
This webinar will be an opportunity for municipalities, decision makers, NGOs and funders to connect and have dialogue with the goal of municipalities taking the first step towards exploratory analyses of stormwater infrastructure or a utility. We are thrilled to have Gabe Mahon from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and David Zimmer from the Infrastructure Bank present at our lunch and learn webinar, the third in our four part series.