Governor Murphy only has until September 25th to save our water, air, and climate from the devastation and pollution from the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (NESE).
Take action by land or water! Join us for the "IT'S NOW OR NEVER... Tell Gov. Murphy to Say No to the NESE Project: Pipeline & Compressor Station Rally" on Saturday, September 14th at Marine Park, Red Bank, NJ, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Bring signs, banners, SUPs, kayaks, canoes, boats, rafts, friends, family, and your voice!
Clearwater festival immediately follows.
If you cannot attend the rally - Call Governor Murphy and tell him to DENY THE NESE PROJECT! 866-586-4069. Come help us make posters and banners for the rally on Tuesday, September 10th from 2pm-8pm Wilson Hall, First Presbyterian Church of Rumson:4 East River Road, Rumson, NJ 07760). Stop by to help at any time from 2pm-8pm!
Please call or email us if you have any questions 732-923-9788
Thank you for your continued advocacy for water and the Care for Creation!